Since adoption in Denmark is no longer limited to adopting Danish children by Danish adoptive parents, it would be good to know how international adoption or intercountry adoption works in the country. The process is generally guided by The Danish Act on Adoption and The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption. The main institution that oversees international adoption in Denmark is The Danish Ministry of Family and Consumer Affairs.
The Ministry has provided for guidelines in relation to the approval of prospective adoptive parents. There is a thorough investigation conducted on the applicants which is comprised of three phases. The first phase pertains to determining whether the applicants would be fit to adopt children. Some factors that will be considered include the age difference between the applicant and the child, length of time in which the applying couple has lived together, the health condition of the applicant, the applicant's home environment, and the applicant's proper economic condition. It is important that applicants must not have a criminal record.
The applicants will be made to undergo a mandatory pre-adoption counseling course. This is intended to provide the applicants pertinent information with regards to the different aspects of adoption. This course comprises the second phase.
The third phase involves the series of interviews. This phase intends to determine the individual resources of the applicant in relation to adopting a child. A decision is expected to be reached sometime after this phase. However, it is required that applicants must have registered with any of the authorized adoption placement agencies before the third phase is started.
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