Why is Denmark the Most Climate-Friendly Country in the World

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Denmark is considered the most climate-friendly country in the world. Be that as it may, it still ranks fourth in the world, meaning that no country is yet worthy to occupy the first three positions. This should give us an idea of how immense the needed effort is to achieve a truly climate-friendly environment.

It is no secret that Denmark has strong existing climate-friendly policies which makes making it to the list as no big surprise. In fact, its efforts in this aspect seem to be paying off quite well for it to merit such a commendable ranking. The United nations issued this verdict in its Climate Change Performance Index 2013. Also notable are the efforts of Sweden and Portugal which came in 5th and 6th place, respectively. The four other countries that made it to the Top 10 list are Switzerland, Germany, Ireland, and United Kingdom, in that order.

This is no small thanks to the country's highly focused energy policies. Denmark is considered an ideal study for students wanting to focus on environmental education. It is because Denmark has always been in the forefront of development efforts in renewable energy.

The high ranking of Denmark is credited to it consistent action with regards to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The decision is heavily based on what is seen as the strength of the political will to follow through with related programs. It also has much to do with what it has shown as more efficient energy utilization compared to other countries. 




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