The pursuit of happiness is a highly personal matter, but in Denmark you can say that happiness is a national trait.
Snagging the #1 spot in the World Happiness Report once again, Denmark IS the country to consider moving to if you’re looking for a place to settle down where the country’s economy, social support, political outlook, freedom of choice, and people’s generosity all meld together to make for the best standard of living. In Denmark, even the whiniest of persons have something to smile about! Of course, if you’re already a pretty happy person, then you’ll probably find yourself even happier in this place.
Those from nearby European countries might not really need to move though because it seems that European countries, particularly Northern European ones, fare really well in the happiness index with 3 of the top 5 countries all from Northern Europe (Denmark, Norway #2, and Sweden #5). The two other countries that made the top 5 list are Switzerland (#3) and Netherlands (#4).
While this might not convince you to go ahead and leave your roots, it would probably encourage you to take a peek at what Denmark and its neighboring countries have to offer. Still, a happy Denmark shouldn’t at all be that surprising with it being the home of the oldest operational amusement park, Dyrehavsbakken, and the world famous LEGOLAND in Billund. But even if you don’t head for these attractions and stick to biking around Copenhagen, you can bet that a short visit will leave you smiling as the happiness of the country rubs off on you.
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