There are many good reasons for seeking a Denmark Job. First and foremost, Denmark has an attractive working environment with relaxed and development-oriented working conditions. The Danish corporate culture is characterised by a flat structure and an open dialogue between management and employees.
Because so many foreign workers want to come to Denmark, we have now opened a dedicated section with English language job ads for Denmark. Bookmark the address – it is //!
Did you know that even if you are from outside of Europe it is relatively easy to get a work permit for Denmark? The country is very open to skilled workers in certain areas. If your job title is on the “positive list“, you should be able to get a work permit once you have a written job offer or job contract.
Job Hunting Tips for Foreigners in Denmark
Many foreigners want to come to Denmark because of the many advantages it offers. You can have a well-balanced family and work life. They also have an excellent business climate and an efficient business state. Denmark is one of the best places to find a job in Europe.
Here are some tips on how foreigners can find jobs in Denmark:
Learn Danish.
Some people may wonder if speaking English is enough to get their foot through the door, but it is not. Some companies do use English as their corporate language but it is still an advantage to know how to communicate in Danish. It can help you survive in their work environment as well as build relationships with people. So, a good thing to do would be to enroll in their language courses to improve your proficiency in Danish.
Know Danish culture.
Our perception of what is right and good is molded by culture. Knowing Danish culture will help you understand why Danes behave in a certain way and how you should interact with them. Doing so helps us make things work better and build relationships with the Danes that you encounter.
Get a Danish diploma.
Every workplace has its own work culture and in a Danish one, being able to work together is very important. So, when a foreigner comes in, there is a concern on whether he or she will be able to fit in or not. If you were able to study in Denmark, you will definitely get a seal of approval since they will understand that you know how things are done in their work environment. Higher education is free in some cases and the government gives you a stipend to live on. Not to mention that when you study in their universities, you will be able to build a network that will help you find a job more easily.
Know where to look for a job in Denmark.
When you go job hunting, it is good to know where to find jobs so as not to waste time. You can visit the nearest job centres to inquire about job openings. Some service centres can be found in Copenhagen, Odense, and Aarhus. You can even check out the Work in Denmark website or the classified ads in newspapers in the comfort of your own home. What is more, you can also contact recruitment agencies. Another excellent way to meet your potential employer face-to-face is to go to career events and job fairs. These are great places to look for work.
Apply for a Residence and Work Permit.
Before you arrive in Denmark, you must apply for a citizenship and work permit. You can do so in your home country or in a Danish representation office like the Danish Embassy or a Danish Consulate. The rules on how to obtain these depend on your citizenship. The Danish regulations distinguish between three types of citizenships: Citizens from Nordic countries, citizens from EU/ EEA countries and Switzerland, and citizens from countries outside EU/ EEA.
Apply for Authorisation.
Some professions such as that of a doctor’s or lawyer’s are regulated by law in Denmark. You should find out whether your profession is regulated by law and and if such is the case, you should apply for authorisation. It may take time to receive a reply to your application so it is best to do it early. This is issued by the authority responsible for a particular profession. The requirements would depend on your citizenship. You can check out the website of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science for more information.
Join online expat groups.
It would be good for you to join as many expat groups as you can and be active. You can meet people who have similar expertise and ask them how they were able to find a job or have a successful career in Denmark. Join forums where you can meet people who are in your line of expertise so that you can get the answers and advice that you need to make it in Denmark.
Check out the job market.
Get a feel of the job market by checking out the patterns that companies are looking for in your field. Try to see if there is anything that you need to add to your skill set to increase your employability. Employers like to see initiative so do your best to develop your skill set.
Register your CV at their CV bank.
A typlical method of applying for a job in Denmark is via a cover letter and a CV. Make your CV detailed and make sure that you update it from time to time. Your CV is your way of advertising yourself to the companies. If this letter of presentation impresses them, they will surely want to hire you. Attending their CV and cover letter seminar can help you get an idea on how to write it in the way they do.
Improve your LinkedIn profile.
LinkedIn is a business-oriented social networking service. If you already have a profile, you can improve it by putting up a professional picture that shows your real face. It will help you make a good impression. You should also improve your professional profile. If you don’t know how to go about it, you can invest five US dollars and hire someone who can look it over for you on Fiverr. It is definitely worth the investment.
Show what you can do for their company.
It would be good for you to show how you can solve their problems for them. Every company hires employees who can meet certain needs. That is why they usually post the qualifications on the ads. You should show them that you are cut out for the job by explaining it in your application letter and CV. Explain to them how you and your skills can solve this problem and that problem in your industry.
Finding a job may be quite challenging but so long as you have the right skill set, the company is sure to hire you. The important thing is that you are able to research as much as you can. That way, you are ready to deal with the next scenario and take the next step.
How to Find a Job in Denmark as a Foreigner
Work in Denmark Special: Many people dream of working in another country but this is not an easy task. One needs to search for the most suitable job first and then submit applications to the company as well as to the country’s embassy. Submission of the necessary requirements, however, does not guarantee acceptance.
But there’s no harm in trying to apply for work especially in a country as beautiful as Denmark. If one has the proper skills and positions suited to your qualifications are available, there’s no reason why you should not grab the opportunity.
Despite the financial crisis, Denmark continues to accommodate job applicants from other countries. Numerous jobs are available which you can conveniently search on the internet. The Jobs in Denmark page on provides English language information on hundreds of positions in different fields from information technology, health care, banking, marketing and research, media and communication.
If you have the funds, you can even travel to Copenhagen in advance to personally ask around about available work. Befriend as many people as you like such as when you go to restaurants, hotels, pubs and markets. Especially in the gastronomy industry, job openings for English speaking people most often spread by word of mouth.
For foreigners who are eventually accepted to the jobs they applied for, the next step is usually applying for a resident and work permit. Both the employer and employee are required to provide information to the Danish embassy specifically to the Danish Immigration Service for the issuance of such permit.
Finally, it will really be helpful if you learn learn Danish. This will give you more opportunities to learn about the culture of the country and communicate with more local residents who may not be proficient in the English language.
Find a job in Denmark : 10 Things You Need to Know When Starting to Work in Denmark
Moving to another country whether to study, work or live permanently needs some adjustment. Foreigners need to keep an open mind and learn as much as they can about this beautiful and progressive Nordic country. Educating yourself is the best way to adjust well to your new environment.
Denmark jobs have been attracting a great number of workers from foreign countries. Successful applicants feel the excitement when they hear the good news of their acceptance for a Danish visa but there are things they need to prepare as soon as starting to work in Denmark.
Language – It’s quite important that you learn at least the basics of the Danish language. Although there are many Danes who speak English, some don’t. The local kommune will help you in this area.
Culture – As a new worker, you will be meeting a lot Danes in your workplace. It is then your responsibility to educate yourself about the Danish culture as well as their customs and traditions. In this way, you can avoid any embarrassing situation.
Get a CPR number – You can apply for this once you have secured your residence/work permit. A CPR number is probably the most important document you will own when it comes to living your life in Denmark. It enrolls you in the National Register of Persons (Folkeregistereret). You have five days from when you arrive to get registered. It should be one of your first stops. Only once you have your CPR card, you can then open a bank account and other important things.
Obtain a tax card – You can get this from the tax office (Skattecentre). Normally, you will be given two cards – A kort and B kort.
Get a healthcare card – Once you are registered, the health insurance card sent to you by your municipal authority. This is your proof that you are entitled to public health treatment. The card states your name, address and personal identification number and the name and address of your GP. Visiting your GP is free, as is hospitalisation. The costs are borne by the tax payer.
Prices – Be sure to get used to the Danish currency. the basic requirements in coming up with the level of costs especially if you’re into business. Working up the right price for the job is necessary.
Personal funds – As you’re only starting and your salary is still a month away, you need to have your own funds to support your initial basic needs. Plan to have enough for food, rent, initial purchases – and keep in mind the cost may be higher than what you were used to in your country!
Open an online bank account (optional) – To get paid easier and to spend your money in Denmark without bank charges, you should consider opening an account with the N26 Bank. You can start with the N26 Metal that allows you unlimited withdrawals and payments worldwide in all currencies!
- Check also N26 You or N26 Business
Know the area – Explore by walking to locate important establishments such as banks, post office, schools, drug stores and library. This will help you move around easily as you commute between home and work every day.
Get a Danish driver’s license – If you have a driver's license from outside the EU, you need to get it switched to a Danish license within 14 day after receiving your CPR number and being officially registered. .
Secure a home or renter’s insurance – This is very affordable and will help you in case of problems later on.
Bonus tip: The most important website (okay, after that you will use in Denmark is (borger means citizen). This is the official portal for Denmark's e-government. You will need it for most interactions with the official authorities – almost everything in this area is fully digital.
Cooperation With Jobindex For a Job In Denmark
Danes love to work – so much indeed, that only 18% of Danes would quit their job if they hit the lottery jackpot.
Join the happiest workforce on earth in Denmark., the Denmark information and tourism portal in English language, today started a cooperation with
This brings hundreds of fresh jobs in Denmark to every day, all with a job description in English language. With over 10,000 job advertisements and nearly 200,000 unique users per week Jobindex is Denmark's largest job market. The job market place on includes jobs at Microsoft Denmark, a director position at Lego, as well as careers at prestigious Danish universities.
The job advertisements on are integrated with the Business Directory, featuring over 200,000 Danish companies. From the business page in the directory, career openings are only one click away.
So why don't you add some happyness to your career and apply for a job in Denmark?
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So long bye.
I want to go Denmark working working in Singapore.I am a Bangladeshi
Learning Danish is in my experience not a nessecity in most cases. If the job postings is in english you can get hiried without Danish language skills. Even in restaurants and shops you can get a job without speaking Danish.
How do I move to Denmark if I am a foreigner , if I want a job in Denmark but I don’t have a engancy.