Renting a Copenhagen Apartment: 7 Important Things You Should Know

Finding Copenhagen apartment
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Copenhagen is Denmark's capital, and it's a beautiful country that's known for its canals and gorgeous architecture.

Copenhagen's exciting fact is that it's said to be one of the happiest places in the world. People have more vacation days, shorter workdays, and all-around positive lifestyle choices.

Given that fact, who wouldn't want to move to Copenhagen? Well, the answer is that a lot of people want to move to the city.

If you're going to have a chance to rent a place in Copenhagen, you need to prepare yourself. Here are seven crucial things you should know about renting a home in Copenhagen.

Make Sure the Timing is Right

The right time for renting in Copenhagen

You need to know before you look for a Copenhagen apartment when it's the best time to find a rental home. Since there is a demand for rentals, it's not easy to find a place then and there. Hence, the need to consider the right timing.

The most challenging month to look for a rental place in Copenhagen would be in January, the first month.

January is challenging because people from all over the world who want to work in Denmark have to start their work on the first day of the year. Thus, they're going to want to find a place to rent then, and they'll come in droves.

Since they most likely have a relocation agency or specialist working with them, they have better odds than you. That said, it might not be the best idea to look for a rental place in January.

Although there's still going to be a lot of competition for the rest of the year, no matter what, you might have a better chance between February to April.

Brace Yourself for a Long Waiting Period

Copenhagen apartment waiting period

Another reason you need to consider timing is that it takes about three months to find a place for rent in Copenhagen.

You're going to need to contact a lot of rental property owners on your search, and not even all of them might respond to your queries.

Since there are plenty of people looking for a rental place in Copenhagen, the competition is fierce. Plus, rental property owners can be picky with their tenants.

Having patience is a value you're going to need if you're set on staying in Copenhagen.

Do Your Research about Copenhagen Apartment

Copenhagen apartment search

According to Maid Sailors Maid Service NYC, it's crucial, no matter where you plan on staying, that you do your research before settling in wherever.

Since Copenhagen's housing market is becoming more competitive by the day, which means there are many options, but the rates may not be to your liking.

Also, with such a competitive housing market, more scammers want to take advantage of it. Thus, doing your research beforehand will help you be more aware of how others might scam you out of your money.

Remember that scammers can also be present even in rental listing search portals from official sites, so remain vigilant. Try to stick to these official search portals as much as possible.

But if you want more options, you can try social media sites, like Facebook, to find Copenhagen apartment options. Given the informality of the social media site, make sure that you know the potential risks that come with doing business there.

Ask Your Network about Copenhagen Apartment

Get info about renting in Copenhagen

If you're confident in your social network, you should try and engage with the people and ask them if they have been in Copenhagen or are currently there.

Connecting with people with experience in short term Copenhagen apartment renting in Copenhagen will make it easier for you to understand how to navigate it.

Don't be shy. You need the help, so ask for it. You might even find yourself developing new friendships, which is very useful, especially if you're moving away from home by yourself.

With the help of people you know, you might use their connections to help you find the best rental place for you.

Make a Good Impression to the Landlord

Respect apartment landlord in Copenhagen

We can't reiterate this enough: Copenhagen is a competitive rental place market. What this competitive rental property market means for you is that you're competing against a lot of other people looking for a place.

Also, a landlord can dismiss you since they're sure that there are plenty of other people who would want to rent from them.

That said, it's a good idea to create an excellent first impression on your landlord. You don't have to suck up to them to make an excellent first impression.

Be presentable, polite, and personable. Conduct yourself in a way that a landlord would want you to be their tenant while also standing out from the rest of the applicants.

Know Your Housing Options

Plan how to rent in Copenhagen

If you're having difficulty finding a Copenhagen apartment, look up other housing options that you can try out. You might want to tone down the expectations of your ideal housing when you're there.

It's unlikely that you're going to get a whole place to yourself, so you might want to get comfortable with the idea of a roommate.

Opening yourself up to more options will make it easier for you to find suitable rental places in Copenhagen.

Find the Best Locations to Live

Apartment in Copenhagen short term

Since you know you want to rent in Copenhagen apartment, you should narrow down the area you want to stay in the city. If you're a digital nomad or a freelancer, if you have a remote job, you might not need to be at the town's heart.

When you're not right in the middle of the city, you have more affordable and a variety of options of places to choose from, which is a lot easier.

But if there's a specific job in Denmark or university that you're going to in Copenhagen, you'll have a different experience. It would be ideal to look for a place that's close to your place of work. Otherwise, what's the point of moving to Copenhagen if you're far away from your city's goal?

If you're willing to commute longer distances, it might be easier to find a place.

PRO TIP for renting Copenhagen apartment

bike copenhagen

Copenhagen bike culture is famous and this city is serious about cycling, so you might want to see if you are comfortable cycling to and from your work or university.

Figure out your length of travel and budget that you can manage. That way, you can find the best location based on your limits on where to live in Denmark Copenhagen.


There's a reason many people want to move to Copenhagen. It's such a gorgeous place to live due to its way of life and aesthetics.

Thus, the effort that goes into finding a place in this city is something that you should expect.

But once you manage to find a place, you'll understand why people want to move there. The effort will be worth it, so do your preparation, and remember to be patient!

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