Entries for the Dansk Melodi Grand Prix 2014 Now Being Accepted

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Denmark is the proud winner of this year’s Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) but that doesn’t mean that the country is planning to rest on its laurels. In preparation for the Eurovision Song Contest 2014, the Dansk Melodi Grand Prix is already accepting entries from which they would select the Danish National Song to represent the country next year.

The Danski Melodi Grand Prix will be accepting entries only until October 7. The rules for the competition states that entries from international composers and artists will be accepted, but “Either the composer, song writer – or the performing artist must be Danish citizens or must have corresponding, strong relations to Denmark. (Residence in Denmark for a considerable number of years, marriage to or cohabitation with a Dane, etc.).”

According to DR's Entertainment Editor, Rasmus Ladefoged, they except to have record-breaking year in terms of number of entries sent in this year. Last year, the total number of songs submitted for the Danski Melodi Grand Prix 2013 was 692 songs. With the Danes inspired and very proud of Emmelie de Forest’s win in Sweden this year, they’re expecting even more entries.

If you’re planning on competing this year, take note that what they’re looking for are “modern, catchy pop songs with a strong chorus. We want both massive hits and songs that break with tradition and help to develop Dansk Melodi Grand Prix.”

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